Can I Eat That?

This is one of our favorite games at PSL ranch!  Ranch hands get a kick out of the plants and animals campers bring back to eat.  This game originated following some economic hardships where Cookie had no provisions for our guests, so we concocted this game to fill our pots until store-bought food could be acquired.  This is how it works: you send the campers out to all four corners of PSL to find something they think they can eat.  When they return, Cookie tries to make a delectable dish out of it and the camper eats it.  Although this game is more fun when played on the ranch, below are photos of plants and animals campers brought back from their hikes to eat.  Your job is to identify which ones you can eat that won't make you violently ill or kill you!

Mark your answers on a piece of paper such as:  A. Yes, B. No, etc...