The youth organization, Green Tree Campers of America (GTCA), loves to spend time in the wilderness educating their young, mostly city-born, members in the ways of nature. Spending time outdoors on educational adventures with their fellow GTCA campers is by far their favorite activity.  PSL Ranch allows these young adventurers to camp on our remote patch of wilderness to observe the local fauna, flora, and rock formations that were created a millennium ago.  Although this Menard County ranchland is beautiful and full of interesting wildlife, it can also be quite dangerous for the unprepared and those not knowledgeable of local conditions. Due to a “few” incidents that have occurred during camping expeditions by the GTCA (39 that we know of), PSL ranch hands decided to put together this informational guide to give visitors an educational approach to safety and possibly avoid an unpleasant injury, maiming, or death; while providing facts about the local environment and wildlife.

Each incident is discussed in varying amounts of detail; gaps in knowledge were filled in with good old-fashioned Texas bullshit. It should be noted that there are not 39 bodies buried or dispersed on PSL ranch, the actual number is believed to be much lower as coyotes and other large predators tend to carry them away.

Incident #3
Incident #6
Raccoon Attack
Incident #33
Lyme Disease

The essential safety guide for knowing your way around PSL Ranch and the wilds of Texas.

Incident #22
The Hunter


PSL proudly sponsors the Following Organizations - we think you should too!

The Neanderthal Rights Association (NRA): This dedicated group is providing Neanderthals a better life

The National Opossum Society: If you have a pet possum, or raise them, check this site out!

Opossum Society of the United States | Rehabilitation and Education: For those with stupid or crippled possums

Want a signed copy of WKS, or for Slim and Cassy to attend a gathering for a book signing? Contact us at

Due to Cliff Bland’s encouragement and support, Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy (Medical Center) in San Antonio, TX was the first brick & mortar store to display "What Killed Sally" and provide a venue for our book signing - on 21 Sep 2019.
Thanks for believing in us Cliff!!
Robert B. from San Antonio, TX

"Extraordinarily funny and educational, Slim and Cassy's new audiobook "What Killed Sally" is an assortment of tongue-in-cheek tales that explore the hazards of Central Texas and how to avoid them. Set on perilous PSL Ranch, "What Killed Sally" follows the misadventures of campers named Sally, as they discover the wonders and dangers of nature and the local inhabitants. Fictitious advertisements and rib-tickling recipes add to the hilarity of this comedic narrative!"

"I recommend this book because it takes a whimsical and educational approach to describing all of the dangers and beauty the PSL Ranch in Central Texas has to offer!

The book "What Killed Sally," was a really good read!  The authors discovered a clever way to incorporate humor with the reality of danger and preservation into this book.  In this book we are taken on an adventure with the fictional character Sally who is discovering the wonders of nature on PSL Ranch.  Throughout the book the authors walk us through all of the non-fictional dangers Sally faces along her journey and as a side note we also learn how we can do our part to preserve the wonders of this natural habitat. "