What's My Name?

We have a lot of friendly critters running around our little piece of heaven, and we've named them based on their appearance, personality, and attitude.  In this game you'll match names with the critters to which they belong. You'll need a pencil and paper to document your answers. When finished, click on the ANSWERS button to see if you are a winner! 

Critter C

Critter A

Critter B

Critter D

Critter E

Critter F

Critter G

Critter H

Critter I

Critter J



1. Spot:  This is an easy one!

2. Robinhood: Named after a Disney Character.

3. Slither: This guy was made famous in the Adam and Eve story.

4. Rack: A tasty fellow, he now looks down on us from the cabin wall.

5. Stalker: Rarely seen and often heard, he's a real hunter!

6. Backstrap: Also very tasty.  The name gives this one away!

7. Inny (short for invasive): Originally from India.

8. Fetid: An appropriate name indeed!

9. Rummy (short for rummage): Has a bad reputation.

10. Swift: You'll never catch this one!

Mark your answers on your piece of paper as follows: Name (number) --- Critter (letter)


10 correct Answers:  You must be a mind reader!

9 correct answers:  How did you do this?  Do the math!

8 correct answers:  You know your animals and must have a PhD!

7 correct answers:  You're still better than most!

6 correct answers:  Our average score.

5 correct answers:  Were you paying attention?

2-4 correct answers:  Our pet raccoon does better - and he's blind!

1 correct answer:  Refer to '9 correct answers'

No correct answers:  Really?!?